
Electricity supply and solar installation for Dr. Gab's (317 kWp)

In 2018, Sundust signed a power supply agreement with Docteur Gab's brewery and installed a 115 kWp PV system on the brewery's roof, in collaboration with the solar company Solstis. To further reduce Docteur Gab's electricity costs and to supply additional parties with solar electricity, Sundust expanded the system by 202 kWp in 2023 and implemented a self-consumption community (ZEV).

Solar installation for Constri AG und Amsler & Frey AG (835 kWp)

The solar company Go Smart Solution AG planned and installed a photovoltaic system for the industrial companies Constri AG and Amsler & Frey AG and concluded an electricity supply contract. The system was financed by a joint venture between Go Smart Solution AG and Sundust AG. Sundust manages the PV system and Go Smart Solution is responsible for maintenance.

Solar installation for Modellstation SOMOSA (63 kWp)

Sundust operates a photovoltaic installation for Modellstation SOMOSA in Winterthur, supplying the institution with solar electricity. The installation with a capacity of 63 kWp was planned in collaboration with the solar company Solarville and installed on the roof of the youth psychiatric clinic.